Kizo-in Temple (喜蔵院)

Kizo-in Temple is a Goji-in Temple of Mt. Omine located in Yoshino-cho, Yoshino-gun, Nara Prefecture. It is the Bekkaku Honzan (Head temple of special status) of Honzan Shugenshu sect. It is also an En no Gyoja Reiseki Fudasho (a sacred site for pilgrimage). The sango (literally, "mountain name"), which is the title prefixed to the name of a Buddhist temple, is Yoshinosan. It was founded by Chisho Daishi Enchin.


The temple is located halfway of Mt. Yoshino, a place famous for cherry blossoms. It was founded as a branch temple of Shogo-in Temple located in Kyoto City in the Heian period. It is said that Banzan KUMAZAWA, a Confucian scholar, stayed in the temple and that there is a stone with his poem engraved on it in the precincts of the temple.

Cultural Property

Statue of Yoshino Great Tengu
The year and the sculptor are unknown.

Sakura no fu (poem of cherry blossoms)
Written by Roko MIKUMA, a painter, in 1796.


Take the Yoshino Ropeway from Yoshino Station on the Kintetsu Yoshino Line (Nara Prefecture), get off at 'Yoshinoyama' and walk for about 40 minutes.

Surroundings of the Temple

Kinpusen-ji Temple


Nyoirin-ji Temple

Chikurin-in Temple (Yoshino-cho)

Yoshimizu-jinja Shrine

[Original Japanese]